Friday, February 19, 2010

Here are some of the pieces I did for the show at Giant Robot back in January. When I went to pick them up today, I found out that two of them were sold. :-) Most of them were created just for the show. My work area was a big mess the whole time I was working on these, but I had a lot of fun because it's been awhile since I took out my paints and brushes.

Camera, 10 x 10 (sold)

Doodling at Paradise, 11 x 14

Dayquill, 8x 10

Girl with Crayon, 8x 10

Feed Me, 11 x 14

Strangers, 11 x 14

Grandma, 11 x 14 (sold)

Guilt, 12 x 16

I Could Sit for Hours, 11 x 14

Little Italy, 11 x 14

Sunbath, 11 x 14

The House with Red Door, 11 x 14


RNS said...

These look fantastic! I'm so glad that some work sold at the show. I think my favorites from these are the Dayquil piece and the one of the man and his computer "I could sit for hours."

S Y L V I A P A R K said...

Thanks, Rachel.
The Dayquil piece is one of my favorites too. I might be doing another art show (not so soon though!), hopefully I'll get to sell more. :-)

Anonymous said...

congrats!!! I really like "grandma" and the shoes (why is it called guilt? :p )

by the way, do you want to go to this:

free any time to hang out next week?

S Y L V I A P A R K said...

thanks! :-)
it was called guilt, because the whole splattering of red paints were reminding me of violent blood scenes..haha (maybe i'm guilty? j/k)

Yeahhh let's hang out next week. I can show you how my missed connection pieces turned out. haha :-)

Let me think about the collaboration event. Sounds really interesting -- but i need to see if I can make it. Let's talk next week.